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Suzie Cichy is an illustrator and printmaker based in London.

After graduating from the Graphic Arts & Design course at Leeds Metropolitan University in 2015, Suzie worked as a graphic designer, before going freelance and working as a print technician and co-operative member at Leeds Print Workshop. She moved to Glasgow in 2018 to study a Masters in Communication Design at the Glasgow School of Art, where she focussed on ideas of gender, censorship and the provocative. 

More recently Suzie’s work has been driven by more traditional themes of food and still life. Alongside her illustration practice, Suzie works at Print Clan, an open-access textile screen printing studio in Glasgow. She is particularly interested in facilitating arts access for disadvantaged communities and groups.

Suzie is always up for commissions, collaborations or just good old chats. She also offers an affordable screen printing service for artists & illustrators wanting small editions. Get in touch.